
La cultura en la agenda urbana

En el artículo “La cultura en la agenda urbana” publicado en el blog de Ciudad y Urbanismo de la UOC, presento algunos de los problemas que los actores culturales deben abordar; en síntesis: modificar las estructuras de gobernanza de la cultura y acercarlas a la ciudadanía.


Culture in sustainability – the best is yet to come

This is a long article: “Culture as a pillar in sustainability: the best is yet to come“. The consideration of culture as a stand-alone pillar, dimension or component of sustainability (the fourth or the first) is the best strategy, not only for the agency of cultural actors but as a […]


My urban postcards from Habitat 3

Back from UN Conference Habitat 3 in Quito, colleagues of Culture Action Europe asked me to write a short article on what can cities do with the New Urban Agenda. It was published in December 2016.


Habitat 3. Culture in Sustainable Cities

At the UN Conference Habitat 3 in Quito, on 18 October 2016, I gave a brief speech with observations and comments on “culture in sustainable cities”. I was representing UCLG – Agenda 21 for culture. Aussi en français. También en español.


Medea Research LAB – Malmö University

   Medea Vox is a podcast by and with scholars in the media and design fields. I was invited to discuss with Asko Kauppinen and Clara Norell. The theme was sustainable urban development. The podcast is available here.  


Navigating Through the Pillars

This is a conversation between Joan Hawkes and myself, on the cultural pillar (or dimension or sphere) of sustainability. This is why the title reads “Navigating Through the Pillars“. It was included in the book “Another Europe”, by the European Cultural Foundation.



The first-ever global campaign of cultural networks on culture and sustainable development was #culture2015goal. We struggled for the place of culture in the SDGs.


Global campaign Culture in SDGs

#culture2015goal is the first-ever global joint campaign of cultural networks on culture and sustainable development. The campaign includes networks of governmental and non-governmental organizations. The members of these networks work locally, nationally and internationally, connecting local communities to globalization. The campaign convenes a key message: culture is not only at […]


Tots som Hamlet

Vaig tenir l’honor de participar a Interacció 2012, biennal de la gestió i les polítiques culturals, aquest mes de maig passat, a la taula rodona dedicada a “Sostenibilitat i cultura”. Algunes de les persones que van assistir a la sessió, i d’altres que no hi van poder ser, m’han demanat […]