

ENCATC asked me to write “(Some) Key Questions at the Crossroads of Culture and Environment for European Local Governments” for the #EarthDay2019.  


OBS – database on culture & cities

This is the OBS, a database of “good practices” in the area of culture and local sustainable development. Indexed with the 17 SDGs, the 9 Commitments of #Culture21Actions & the 70+ keywords in our thesaurus. UPDATE: more than 360 good practices (18 March 2024).

Blog - Cimera

Cimera Buenos Aires 2019

A Buenos Aires hem organitzat la tercera Cimera de cultura de CGLU. Hem posat èmfasi en els drets culturals, explicat tot el que fem amb #Cultura21Accions i continuat la incidència sobre #culture2030goal…