
Cultural Rights, Democracy & Libraries

I was honoured to give a keynote speech on Cultural Rights, Democracy and Public Libraries, at the world conference of the International Federation of Libraries (IFLA). In Barcelona, on 7 October 2024. You can download the text of the speech. You can also watch it on Youtube, in Catalan or […]


We Discuss the Culture Goal in Bilbao

On 27 September 2024, we discussed Context, Actors and Challenges for a Culture Goal in the SDGs at the Azkuna Zentroa – Alhondiga Bilbao. The recording is here. More info on the campaign, at the site


Eduard Miralles: la cultura com a passió

El CoNCA ha publicat el llibre Eduard Miralles. La cultura com a passió, on es recull el recorregut d’un dels meus mestres, i una trentena de textos que va escriure. Hi penso molt, en tu, Eduard, vas marxar massa aviat; ara, el teu llegat és ben viu.