
ERDF, culture, Spain

The European Commission asked the European Network of Experts on Culture (EENC) to write critical analysis on the use of structural funds for cultural programmes. The aim was to analyse the use of these funds in 2007-2013 and to provide ideas for 2014-2020. Several member states were analysed: Bulgaria, France, […]


Millorem les Capitals Europees de la Cultura

Diu la llegenda que en un vespre de forts vents del mes de gener de 1985, a l’aeroport d’Atenes, esperant la sortida dels seus vols, Melina Mercouri i Jack Lang van engendrar una idea per destacar el paper que les ciutats tenen en la cultura europea. Al cap de poques […]


ECOC post 2019

I was a member of the Jury of the European Capital of Culture for 2010 (Ruhr, Istanbul and Pécs), 2011 (Tallinn and Turku), 2013 (Marseilles and Kosice) and 2016 (Donostia – San Sebastian). The European Commission organised a public consultation on the post-2019 programme, and I wrote my position in […]


Bilgi Üniversitesi – KPY

Istanbul-based Bilgi University hosts a research and documentation centre on cultural policies, KPY, which published the book “Local Cultural Policies Handbook“. I wrote the article “On Cultural Policies, Sustainability and Participation” for this book.


A la UOC

Faig de professor col·laborador a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – UOC: al màster en “Gestió cultural” i al màster “Ciutat i Urbanisme – Polítiques públiques i dret a la ciutat“. Trabajo como profesor colaborador en la Universidad Oberta de Catalunya – UOC, en el máster en “Gestión cultural” y en el […]


Rio+20 & culture

Mixed feelings after Rio+20, held in June 2012. I wrote this thick report for the Agenda 21 for culture. Available in eng, fra  & spa


La revue Mouvement

The journal Mouvement has published a special issue on “Culture and sustainable development”. I must thank Christelle Blouët, and am honoured to sign this article together with Patrice Meyer Bisch. We associate sustainability, human rights and culture. La revista Mouvement ha publicat un número especial sobre Cultura i desenvolupament sostenible. […]